Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Toliet Paper Entrepreneur

I just got off the phone with Michael Michalowicz, what a cool guy! You must listen to this interview because he gives some great tips on how to get pass the common "financial issues", like not having enough money.

If you are still contemplating quitting your job, if you are in the middle of a plan to quit your job or if you are still stuck in a job that you hate, familiarize yourself with The Toliet Paper Entrepreneur. He will give you a different perspective on what you can do and need to do to get it going because he believes, like me, that you should break the rules! And we talk about in this interview.

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Achieving Your Dream of Entrepreneurship

My interview with author and motivational speaker, Kamran Akbarzadeh, PhD was inspiring! He is a chemical engineer -research scientist-who is right NOW in the transition process and has already claimed that by this time next year he will be working part-time and lined up to quit his job.

I love talking to people who are going after their dreams, they keep me pumped up! Click the link and listen in to his story of transition and then click over to his website and download the FREE GIFTS that he has offered my listening audience!

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

TrustingThe Law of Attraction

When you want to quit your job and start a business you have to TRUST that it's going to workout. That can be pretty scary, especially when you spouse, your mother, your friend says, "You need to keep that job!"
When the media is saying, "There are no jobs."

And your own brain is challenging you, "What am I going to do about insurance if I don't have a job?"

Today I interviewed Dr. Joanne White, she's been using The Law of Attraction to manifest success in her business for over 25 years. This interview will inspire you, just listen in!

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Should I Be A Stay At Home Mom

Even in a down economy many people are quitting their jobs, statistics say that 1.5-2million people do so every month. A good majority of those quitters are women who have chosen to be a stay at home mom.

Why are women quitting their jobs to stay home with their children?

Because it makes sense dang-gone it!
Have you compared your income to your work related expenses? There are certain expenses that you acquire just because you go to work. When you look at those honestly you will quickly realize that it may be cheaper if you decided to be a stay at home mom.
Sally Sue (not her real name) contacted me last week for coaching on her new business idea, as we talked she gave me her reason for staying home and starting a business.
She was making around $2,200 a month and had 2 children, a 1yr and 3yr, in daycare.  Her income moved her family's tax bracket up to 25% which meant she was averaging around $1,650/mo. When you subtract the daycare fees of $300/mo that left her with $1,350.
She told me, "Lady T that's as far as I went in determining the cost of working. I figured if I could just hang on  in there for another 3yrs then the children will be out of daycare, I'll get some raises and life would be great. But I realized that because my children were IN daycare I was spending extra money; like disposable diapers. I only buy those because the daycare doesn't accept cloth."

But the expenses didn't stop there. She drove 7 miles to get to the "wonderful" daycare and then turned back around to go 21 miles to work.  Leaving work she would pass up her home, go to the daycare and then back home for a total of 63 miles a day,  5 days a week.  20 days a month equals 1,260 MILES A MONTH!  She said, "when gasoline went go over $3.20 a gallon I would cry filling up my van! And that's really when I started to pay attention to the other expenses that were related to my going to work."

Eating lunch at a restaurant with co-workers is convenient and social. And eating out for dinner is quick and easy. Both are very expensive and most moms calculate spending a total of $60-$100 a month just eating out.
"But Lady T, there were other expenses like buying gifts for co-workers & bosses; supporting the co-workers children's school fundraisers, throwing money into the office pot for office parties. I stop breast-feeding my 1yr old because I was too busy at work to pump milk, so we were buying formula!

Once I deducted my work-related expenses I realized that I was making about $700 a month. With loads of stress! It wasn't worth it."

You'll have to look at your own work related expenses and determine what's right for you and your family.  By taking a honest financial assessment it will make it easier for you to decide whether or not you should be a stay at home mom.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How To Build Your Wealth Before Starting Your Business

Today I spoke with author, Gwen Green of Source of Wealth Club, she found herself in a bad situation:  a single parent with 2 small children, poor child-care opportunities and had to figure out how to make money fast! God spoke to her and showed her the way! Now she helps others get out of debt by using real estate.

Our conversation centered around how to help you build your wealth before you start your business. It's a challenge because while still working your job you must use your money to:
  • continue living
  • pay off debts
  • invest in your business
  • save for the future
We talked about all of that and more! One of her suggestions was Progressive Self-Investment. Simple and Powerful!

Click in and listen it's only 29min

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Be Your Own Boss in 12 Months

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

Yes, if you are going to be the Boss of You then Melinda Emerson's book is a must have! Becoming Your Own Boss in 12 Months offers a "Month by Month Guide To A Business That Works".

It was my delight to interview a woman after my own heart; AND I discovered in the interview that she too LOVES coaching so much that she would do it for free.

Now don't get me wrong, she DOES NOT do it for free. But I've talked to many coaches who can't imagine coaching for free and are burnt out doing what they do. I could do this for FREE and did it for free for 12 yrs without knowing that it was called "coaching". LOL! I love it! I love entrepreneurs and it was good to hear that Melinda feels the same.

Check out our interview to discover why:

  • you shouldn't start a business to make money
  • what you need to do while still working your job
  • 5 reasons why businesses fail (important to know so you don't follow)
Listen by clicking the player

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why Working for You Isn't Working for Me

There are so many moms who go to work and STRUGGLE  with their frustration, exhaustion and anger. Working for someone else just isn't working.
Today I spoke with Corporate Mom Dropout, Lucinda Cross.  She talked about her struggle as a mom with 2 kids. The straw that finally broke the camels back and made her quit was when her boss told her to come to work even though her baby had the flu!

She got her plan together and left. Listen in and found out what she did.
Click the link to buy Lucinda's book Corporate Mom Dropout.
Click here to listen:

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

What about the straws on your back are they enough to make you prepare to quit?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Leaving Your Job to Start Your Own Busines

Patrica Beckman had a psychological setback when she stood in the kitchen serving fishsticks to her children because she couldn't remember who liked ketchup and who liked tarter sauce! The next day she quit her job!

Within the year she had so much business she started a franchise! is the only virtual assistant franchise in the country!  She showed them who's the boss!

Listen as I interviewed her to uncover how she did it!

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why You Hate Your Job: 6 Human Needs!

I'm delighted to have started my NEW blogtalk radio show today! I hope that it blesses people all over the country and inspire them to take a step into the pool of entrepreneurship!

I have great interviews lined up but for today I discussed The 6 Basic Human Needs and how they relate to the way you feel about your job.


Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio