Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Leaving Your Job to Start Your Own Busines

Patrica Beckman had a psychological setback when she stood in the kitchen serving fishsticks to her children because she couldn't remember who liked ketchup and who liked tarter sauce! The next day she quit her job!

Within the year she had so much business she started a franchise! is the only virtual assistant franchise in the country!  She showed them who's the boss!

Listen as I interviewed her to uncover how she did it!

Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why You Hate Your Job: 6 Human Needs!

I'm delighted to have started my NEW blogtalk radio show today! I hope that it blesses people all over the country and inspire them to take a step into the pool of entrepreneurship!

I have great interviews lined up but for today I discussed The 6 Basic Human Needs and how they relate to the way you feel about your job.


Listen to internet radio with ImtheBossofMe on Blog Talk Radio